Monday, September 15, 2008


Dear Sir, I have a compaint...
Dear sir, I have a complaint....

Can't remember what it is....

Doesn't matter anyway...

Doesn't matter anyway...

(Well, no, actually, you know what.. IT DOES MATTER. AND THAT's what changed between 1990 and 2008. Cheers.)

Aris... one show will be good enough considering we're up against MOSAICO and BAPTISTE

I'm in too. Hopefully if there's enough of us there, radiohead may just put on an extra show for us!
- Aris

Han Hock and his mate are coming... 2 asian dudes in Japan... good luck finding them. Better talk loud guys

Sounds like plan.... see you guys there! keep fer a lookout fer 2 asian dudes that doesnt speak japanese!

- Han Hock

Joel's on his way already. And he is impressed. Just NOT with MOSAICO!

'The Hub' certainly sounds central... good work

See U all there

- Joel

Don't mess with Erin folks? Mosaico, do you HEAR US???

Sounds like a plan.

and if we don't have tickets, I say we march to the concert anyway and demand to see the show!

No one will argue with a mob, especially a drunken mob! ;-)

- Erin

Gotta love Li... the Radiohead show is a family outting for her! Brilliant!!!!

Me, my daughter Mari and my hubby Dirk Michielsen will be there too.
- Li

The girl with the crazy purple hair but no ticket

Count me in. I'll be the girl with crazy purple hair.

- Louise

Damon's coming.... to the HUB.... to the SHow? mosaico???

Im there. Hopefully with a ticket.

- Damon

Matt's going to be there! Mosaico are you going to be there...?

Let's totally do it!! I'll be there!

- matt

Sveinung gets our act together - it's the HUB


We were talking about drinks before the show.

Well, let's get specific right here and now.

A place called The Hub is, I'm told, a short walk from the Municipal Central Gymnasium venue. It's open from midday and has food and drinks.

I'm a drinker, so let's say 4 pm, how's that?

How to find:

See you there

Hugh is coming up from Tasmania... Mosaico... help Hugh

I'm down in Tasmania, usually takes an extra day - so the whole 26th thing concerns me.
Because we fly on the 27th.
VERY concerned.
How is the express post service to Japan?
Maybe someone intelligent could write a letter to waste and we could all 'sign' it or something.
Totally up for pre's in Osaka.
Hugh Miller

THE SAME SHIP... sinking.... learn to swim OR storm the fence

hello, its concerning to know that we are all in the same ship.. which is sinking.. shit aye, Mosaico said my tickets will arrive on the 23rd, fly out 28th.
anyway I second pre drinks before hand.. so at least when we have to storm the fence we have numbers... if not then

goodluck, cause I heard those japanese are pretty feisty!!


Good luck Keith!

I am still hopeful that the ticket will arrive at my home in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia before 25 Sept. when I plan to depart for Japan. I decided some time ago that I would make a proper trip out of this even if the ticket never arrived (not so optimistic after all???). It would be good to meet up with some of you who will be there whatever happens... I bought a standing ticket for 1 Oct. We could uh... stage a mini protest at the door if we don't get our tickets.

We should keep this discussion going especially if Mosaico fail to deliver and decide the best way to deal with the company.

take care folks,


We've already paid for the hotel and the plane tickets, but I still haven't got my concert tickets yet.
My husband called the Mosaico on 12 September and they said they were still waiting for the tickets. How could that be possible! We are leaving for Japan on the 27th and I really don't know what it's going to be like without the Radiohead tickets for the trip. It's supposed to be my birthday gift.


Call the Police... the Karma Police - Zed's dead and Mosaico killed him.

Thanks David. I'd be interested to know if they reply.

Fellow friends, it's looking more and more like I will not make the show. My ticket is Oct 1st, Seat. I just cannot go ahead with all the further trouble and expenses without a ticket in hand or a firm date to receive it. Plane/ hotel would be non-refundable - and I was basically planning on flying in to Osaka JUST for the show, spending 12-16 hours there, and flying out.

So I'm going to cut my losses just with the ticket. This whole experience just doesn't feel right for me, and hasn't for a while now. Mosaico's total lack of professionalism in dealing with this matter... (a more optimistic gentleman among us mentioned that he was confident since Mosaico is a French company... not too sure what the logic is behind that... last I checked, the French have their share of fraudsters, criminals, baffoons and idiots among them. Alas, we all do)

Anyhow hopefully Mosaico will have the... decency... to refund me all or a part of the ticket's cost.

But if not (I'm not going to hold my breath) and I do end up getting the ticket a few days before the date (I won't be surprised if it reaches here in Beijing where I live on Oct 1st at 3PM....) I'm happy to ship it off to any one of you, for free, completely complimentary.

(Mon cher Baptiste, please feel free to chime in if either yourself or your 'colleagues' - if there any one there besides you, that is???? - ever do decide to be professional enough to reply to this chain of emails from your.... customers - please look that word up when you do get a chance...)

So let me know if anyone's interested. All I'll need is a mailing address.

- Z

Let's hope WASTE isn't a waste of David's time.... MOSAICO you have a lot of answer for.

I am going to email WASTE today

- David

Steven knows Mosaico is a MESS... anyone need tickets?

Would anyone like to buy 2 tickets to Radiohead Tokyo for Oct 5? We have to cancel trip unrelated to this Mosaico mess. I have the tickets in hand and will sell them at cost [9500 yen each] and send ASAP. Very sad. I would also like to sell 2 Osaka tickets to both shows but I don't have them!

- Steven

Han Hock... you have a good point dude

Looks like we have a Radiohead Anon going on here. It's amazing that im not the only one bustin my ass up and putting up some good money on the hope that the tix will make it to my doorsteps.
maybe it will make the trip more memorable no matter how this turn out.

- Han Hock Siew

Matt makes a Plan B: "If we don't get the radiohead tickets..." Mosaico can you see what you are doing to us????

If we don't get the radiohead tickets,

and we've already booked our flights to Osaka...

let's all totally meet up! for sure!


Tim will KARAOKE.. whether he makes the Radiohead show or not... YOU KNOW IT.

Agreed, as much as I am worried, and I still haven't got my tickets, I would be very surprised if Radiohead's official supplier isn't able to pull through. I was looking for an email address of someone higher up the distribution chain, but the Radiohead site is typically difficult to use. Maybe if we emailed mosaico in fractured Thom Yorke half sentences...? But if anyone can find an email address for W.A.S.T.E or Radiohead's distribution maybe that would help.

Hopefully, the silence on their part means that they're frantically putting tickets in envelopes and have no time to respond to emails! See you all at the show if everything works out, otherwise I'm sure we'll all find each other on the night - we'll be the people drunkenly slurring Creep in a karaoke bar, with a tear rolling down our faces.

- Tim

Louise sings the blues like it is.... MOSAICO you made a lovely lady SAD!

"After years of waiting
Nothing came
And you realise you're looking in
Looking in the wrong place."

...seemed apt.

Anyway, I am totally up for a beer before the show. Cheers to positive thinking.

- Louise

Chris gets serious and puts his thinking cap on... I meant... his Drinking cap. Good man.

You all need some positive thoughts children.

These are the official ticket suppliers for Radio Head Japan tour. Therefore I would be very surprised if your tickets don’t come through. They might just be a little delayed.

Remember that it is a French company….. J

Good luck to you all… and certainly keen for a beer before the Concert!

- Chris

Casey's an Angry Kiwi Bloke... coz Mosaico Sucks

Have also not received my 2 tickets and have already booked flights from New Zealand, shinkansen tickets from Tokyo, and accomodation. I agree that this is absolute madness but can only hope that Mosaico sorts themselves out in the next few days. If we all come out of this alive I propose pre-concert drinks in Osaka (what do you think are the chances of Mosaico picking up the tab? about as much as Radiohead opening the show with Creep?)

Angry Kiwi Bloke

Allo? Allo? Scam? Mosacio Diffusion... Le SCAM!?

One word comes to mind: SCAM. What's the translation for scam in French?
Le fricking Scam!
BAPTISTE are you there? Allo?


Sveinung says 17th September..... ok Baptiste... we believe you...

I called them on Friday and they said the tickets will be sent on Wednesday 17 September.

- Sveinung

Very Worried (that Mosaico is a bunch of RUBBISH)


I'm leaving Sydney on the 27th, and I still have not received my tickets. I have called them a couple of times only to get a vague response.

I don't even care about the money - I just want to see Radiohead!

Very worried.



I have called Mosaico a few days ago and Baptiste said they will be sent out Friday 12th September... but I highly doubt it - still no email from them or any confirmation?!?! I leave out of Australia on the 16th and I have no faith they will arrive here before then. I have now had to change the delivery address of the tickets to a hotel in Tokyo and fingers crossed they will arrive when I'm there.

This is getting very frustrating... at least tell us what is going on.


Steven is optimistic - he received tickets from Mosaico for a concert... but CONCERNED that Mosaico IS INCOMPETENT to deliver the OSAKA dates

On a bright note, I have received my tickets from Mosaico for Radiohead in Tokyo so at least they are capable of sending something. I am hopeful but very concerned.



hell yeah guys, ive resorted to call paris 3 bloody times to get this tix thing sorted out, they keep giving false dates and promises. i HAVE to confirm the plane tix and get the visa application sorted out.
all on the premise that these guys will eventually send the tix out in due time.
no excuses mosaico, give us our tickets. ASAP

Han Hock SIEW

Will lays it down like it is! Good man, that Will...!

I have not received any tickets either. I also have 2 tickets to each night, AND have already paid for airline tickets, which were NOT cheap.
I am very angry and will sue these guys without mercy if I do not receive my tickets for the concerts.
No more excuses Mosaico! Give us the tickets that we have paid for!

Adam has a GOOD POINT. Just what ARE we getting anyway????

Hello all,

I ALSO purchased 2 standing tickets to the first night in Osaka back in early June and still nothing.... I'm presently residing in Korea and the tickets are being sent to my mother's place in the states, which in return have to be Fedexed to me in Korea before I leave for Japan on the 30th! I ALSO am greatly concerned and have called Mosaico twice in the past month and was ASSURED they'd be sent by the first week of September.

Even if we get the tickets, I'm wondering what kind of tickets we're getting???? Nosebleed? Standing in the back? Leftovers from the Japanese sales maybe?? I hope not!!

I bought early through Mosaico thinking maybe I would get priority tickets!....maybe I thought wrong....Anyways, I'm still hoping and praying they come through! It's not so much the money, it's the fact that this is a show of a lifetime! I am also pretty disappointed at Radiohead, as this was the site listed on their website to buy through! They should also be held responsible! I have seen nothing on their website regarding these tickets!! This is no way to treat their fans and supporters....Hail to the Thief my friends...sad but true....but I sure hope its not the case.....Please keep me informed on your situation as I will do the same....



Comrade McGregor... I like this man. Down with Mosaico.

Have not received them here. Have 2 tickets to each night so they've had a big chunk of money from us since May.

I'm sure Mosaico will have fun with charge-backs from credit card companies.

Still holding out hope...


Mosaico is a TOTAL MESS

Cheers Sylvia,

thanks for writing and letting me know what you know/ have heard. I appreciate that.

Yeah - ridiculous is an understatement... totally unprofessional. These guys should not be allowed to start an e-commerce website and actually sell things. They obviously have no control over any of this. Total mess.

I am literally planning on flying in just for this concert and spending less than 24 hours in Japan (since I have to be back here). So it's completely MAD that I have to trust these guys to deliver the ticket and go ahead and make the non-refundable airline bookings and hotel booking...

Oh well. Sigh and a VERY DEEP BREATH.

Hope you make it for your show, I think I'm going to have to drop out, coz even if I do get the tic, I won't have the visa/ air/ hotel done... I can't go ahead with all that under these circumstances.

Enjoy the show! I think you will be fine. HAVE FUN

Don't leave us High & Dry... Mosaico Diffusion/ International/ World... whatever

Hi Z,

Thanks for your email.

I've received a few responses from everyone so far and everyone seems to be having a similar experience so it seems we're not alone. One person advised that they also spoke to Mosaico just now and were advised that tickets will be despatched by 19 September 2008 and if we don't receive a DHL Tracking number by then that we should call Mosaico again. We've been given so many dates though that we're not even sure what to believe anymore.

I just don't understand why the Tokyo gig, which is held around one week after Osaka, received tickets approximately 7-8 weeks ago by now and we're left still waiting! 3 unanswered emails and 3 international phone calls from Australia to France and we're still left in this predicament! Ridiculous.
Loved your mass email to Mosaico... hopefully it sparks some action from Baptiste/Mosaico and helps get our tickets in the post soon!
Sorry to hear it may have ruined your trip... hopefully we'll see you there.

Zed's honest-to-god plea to Mosaico Diffusion, the....what's that word in French?

Dear Baptiste/ Mosaico,

Please do not get offended or mind if I state that that this situation is a bit strange to say the least...

I booked my ticket to the Oct 1 concert in May if I recall correctly. If I had the time, I could dig up my credit card bill and find the actual date when Mosaico charged me 107 euro for my Radiohead concert in Osaka ticket. 107 euro. Paid duly.

I am not sure why I paid you 107 euro.... for what exactly. In hindsight, it might not have been a bad idea for you to have paid ME 107 euro, considering all the frustration, torment, and stress I have had to suffer thanks to this very surreal and ridiculous situation.

So, as I said, I booked my ticket with you in May. It is mid-September now, and after a lot of concern/ stress and one international phone call to Mosaico a month or so ago, I am still waiting.

I was told when I called that the tickets are issued 1 month to 3 weeks before the concert date. This in itself is strange, as other friends of mine who booked their tickets (but were fortunate enough not to have found the Mosaico website..), got their tickets delivered to them by their booking sources weeks ago already...

I'd request for a second, that you put yourself in my shoes. You can appreciate that Mosaico Diffusion/ International/ World... whatever you call it, is NOT Amazon, so I was taking a leap of faith when I made the booking at your site. Now, 15 days prior to the concert, I have to get my Japanese tourist visa done, make flight and hotel bookings... with not actual guarantee and very little confidence (based on the customer service and follow up from Mosaico's end) that I will actually EVEN receive my ticket in time...

So in short, other than the significant amount of money and effort that I am about to invest in to make it to Osaka, Japan (Please note I DO NOT live in Japan...!) just for this concert, which by the way has been a long-held dream of mine, I am not even confident anymore that the money I spent to purchase my ticket (totalling to 107 euro with all the delivery charges...) was well-spent.

I would ask for a refund of my money. Please keep the ticket. It is 12 September. Everyone I know has received their tickets. I ordered mine from you 3 MONTHS ago. I have received a total of 2 very vague emails from you, and I have made a phone call to you and received yet another vague assurance that the ticket would be delivered by courier in "the first week of September".

Please note Baptise: IT IS NOT LONGER the first week of September. No news from Mosaico. Very poor service, I must say.

Can you please reply to me and let me know if I can expect a refund of my money. Please keep the ticket. If you are confident that you will actually receive it at some point, then you can go for the concert. I hear there are direct flights from Paris to Osaka. You might need a visa though. And a hotel. And a cheap plane ticket, there and back. Good luck getting all this done in the next 2 weeks.

Look forward to hearing from you very soon please. My mobile number is XXXXXXXX. I won't be disappointed if you decide to call me and explain what the heck is going on...

Many thanks,


Zed's not dead... as yet... but he sure is dying... MOSAICO has his gravestone to pay for

Dear Sylvia,

No sign of my ticket either. I live in Beijing, and have not been able to go ahead my with trip bookings because of this... booking this through Mosaico has been a singularly awful experience for me.

Don't know what to say. Anyhow, I hope you manage to get your tickets and get to the show.

Maybe see you there..

Take good care,

Sylvia... you are in our prayers!

Hi everyone,
Apologies for sending a mass email to you all, but i notice that you were all on the email sent by Mosaico regarding the Osaka Radiohead tickets.
My partner and I still haven't received our Radiohead tickets and are really concerned - was wondering if any of you guys have received the tickets yet? If yes, are you able to offer any advice seeing as Mosaico keeps pushing back the arrival date of the tickets? We've most recently been advised as of tonight to expect to receive them by the 26 September, which not only is cutting it close to the gig, but we fly out in 2 days.
Apologies again for emailing but thought to seek advice from someone in a similar position.

Dear Customer.... my ass.

Dear Customer,

Regarding your booking for the following concert : RADIOHEAD IN OSAKA.

We remind you that your booking has been confirmed and your tickets are successfully booked.

However we inform you that the promoter will start issuing the tickets at the beginning of September.

All tickets will be assigned and sent to the address you specified next September.

You will receive by email the reference of your shipment that allows you to track the delivery of your parcel through the DHL website.

Warning! If your departure date is scheduled before Sept. 15th, please contact our Customer Service by phone at +33 (0)1 40 20 47 03 (from Monday to Friday – from 10 am to 07 pm – GMT + 1) or by email at to modify the delivery address.

Thank you for booking through Mosaico World !


Customer Service.

Mosaïco Diffusion - Mosaico World - Mosaico Difusión
53 rue Sainte Anne - Bat.
A - 75002 Paris - France
Tel : +33 (0)1 40 20 47 03
Fax : +33 (0)1 40 20 47 08


So. What follows is a sad, tragic story. But a story that will HOPEFULLY SAVE YOU from making the same mistake that us poor, innocent, music-loving souls made.

Myself and other fans around the world were unfortunate enough to have booked our tickets for Radiohead concerts in Osaka, Japan, on October 1st and 2nd 2008,

The mistake was very simple, but potentially devastating... we, all strangers with 1 thing in common (we wanted to see Radiohead perform in Osaka 2 weeks from now), made the mistake of going to a website ( by a company that calls itself Mosaico Diffusion or Mosaico International... or Mosaico-something-else (lesson # 1: BEWARE OF COMPANIES THAT HAVE MORE THAN ONE NAME)... to purchase our tickets online.

This company is French. They actually exist. Well... there is one guy named Baptiste who answers the phone if you call them. And every couple of months, he sends out a vague email. SO maybe Baptiste IS Mosaico Diffusion. Maybe he sits in his mother's basement, and puts up a bunk website that promises to send you concert tickets.

And they DO send concert tickets. The problem is... by the time your concert ticket reaches you, you WILL most certainly have grey hair, stress levels that are obscene, and wonder why you did not just book your ticket from some other more trustable website that actually has a Customer Service Department, that can reply to your emails, answer the phone, and make promises they can keep re: when to expect your tickets.

Here's the story. Followed by the chain of hilarious and tragic emails that we sent from around the world. For the record, Mosaico Diffusion has YET to reply to any of the emails.